SBIR/STTR Award attributes
In this SBIR Phase I, HYPRES and University of California Riverside will demonstrate the feasibility of low cost THz oscillators for sub-mm wave receivers utilizing high temperature superconducting (HTS) Josephson junctions fabricated using direct-write helium focused ion beam (FIB). This oscillator that can be easily integrated with on-chip detector with noise temperature ultimately limited only by the fundamental quantum value hf/k. In this project, we will capitalize on the already proven techniques and achieved results when these types of oscillators were realized using conventional low temperature Josephson junctions. The Phase I work plan calls for calibration both long Josephson junctions operating in flux-flow mode and 1-D distributed array of resistively shunted Josephson junctions as an oscillator. Possible imaging and communication applications benefit from the superior performance of HTS Josephson junction technology and unique on-chip integration of different planar components such as a detector with a quasioptical antenna, oscillator and IF amplifier. The project will lead to the development of instrumentation with superior performance, small cost, weight, size and power with high commercial potential.