SBIR/STTR Award attributes
HTX Labs proposes to adapt our existing commercial EMPACT® VR Training Platform to enable AF Customers to create original immersive training content to be delivered via a secure content management and distribution system. This system will enable users to record their movements within a relevant VR environment (e.g., cockpit, aircraft hangar), and then refine and publish this recording as an approved immersive training course. The system will then enable a novice user or student to don a VR headset and experience the training course in a 3rd-person “watch and learn†mode or in a 1st-person “embody the expert†mode. The 1st-person mode can be performed with the expert serving as a “ghost†enabling the student to follow along, or with the student fully embodying the expert and being measured against the expert. The system will provide the ability to objectively quantify a novice's performance as compared to the expert, to his peers or to a previous version of himself. Finally, the system will provide an analytics engine and visualization module to analyze the training data and identify learning trends amongst the student population over time. Training content will be made available on tablets (iPad Pro) as well.