Grodno Regional Clinical Perinatal Center is a 230009, Grodno, st. Gorky, 77-based company.
Grodno Regional Clinical Perinatal Center includes a hospital for 215 beds and a polyclinic for 150 visits per shift. It consists of 11 inpatient departments, organizational and methodological, 2 polyclinic departments: "Marriage and family" and medical genetic counseling; clinical diagnostic laboratory, department of radiation diagnostics, physiotherapy, centralized sterilization department, department of automated control systems and a pharmacy.
The institution employs erudite specialists of a high professional level: 90 doctors, including 3 candidates of medical sciences, 84.2% of doctors have qualification categories and 197 paramedical workers, 60.9% of whom are also assigned qualification categories.
More than 4,000 births are performed annually, about 2,500 surgical obstetric and gynecological interventions are performed, newborns are cared for, nursed and treated, including those born with extremely low body weight. Modern medical equipment, qualified personnel, the use of the latest methods and achievements of medical science in the treatment and examination of patients provide high quality medical care. Comfortable workplaces for medical personnel, conditions for the joint stay of mother and child have been created, much attention is paid to teaching women the skills of caring for newborns and breastfeeding.
The institution is an educational, scientific and clinical base of the educational institution "Grodno State Medical University", the educational institution "Grodno State Medical College".
The perinatal center is a multiple winner of a review competition between healthcare organizations for improving the culture and quality of medical care for the population, for exemplary maintenance and landscaping, a two-time winner of a regional competition for organizing ideological work among social institutions.
Our institution is the Laureate of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee for achievements in the field of quality.