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Global Human Trust
A decentralized system (G-Data, G-Verification, G-Record) using blockchain technology to verify people or objects
GHT Token will be issued using ERC-20 standard on Ethereum blockchain, enhanced with advanced functions: Burning, Minting, Locking, Pausing, etc
GHT Ecosystem includes several platforms that will be built simultaneously as different projects
G-Data - Global Human Trust Data
A data science project focuses on utilizing big data from various trusted sources to provide a general data profile of any person/object in the world if they accept the privacy term and conditions.
G-Verification - Global Human Trust Verification
A decentralized application that allows companies, government, organizations, and any third party to access the data of a person/ an object (from the G-Data platform) to verify its global trust records, powered by GHT Token.
G-Record - Global Human Trust Record
An ERC-20 token that serves the dApp GHTV as the "gas" of use for the Trust Verification process on the G-Verification platform.