SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The USAF seek innovative technology solutions to develop automated algorithms to process variety of different sensor data from around the world, using Machine Learning methods and classify different seismic events from possible nuclear tests. In Phase I of this proposal, a research team from Global Technology Connection Inc. and our university partner Georgia Tech (RI) plans to work together to evaluate the performance of existing ML algorithms such as CNNs to distinguish between tectonic earthquakes, conventional chemical blasts and nuclear explosions. We would first build a labeled seismic dataset that will include different types of seismic events, and then explore multiple deep-learning methods to this dataset to compare their performance We will be leveraging our university partners’ unique understanding gained from several ongoing projects related to ML detection of seismic events in tectonically active regions to detect and picking seismic phases and classifying different types of earthquakes and tremors around the world and our knowledge of building ML based Prognostic Self- learning Algorithms. This applies for the inverse of nuclear blasts where energy is quite extreme, but in a very short packet of time. We will develop working prototype in Phase II and aggressive commercialization strategy for Phase III.