A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to Global Science & Technology, Inc in April, 2020 for $2,209,147.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Air Force.
GST is proposing to produce Sensor Data Records and Environmental Data Records for the AirForce WeatherSat mission and Cloud characterization through a scalable, adaptable, and interoperable information processing and delivery infrastructure. We will use lightweight systems engineering methodology to develop requirements and a summary development plan, or Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD), for services describing how/what calibration and characterization data will be used, post-processing steps for SDRs, and which EDRs will be generated. Calibration and validation is a key aspect of this project, therefore GST will calibrate the data from each telescope (visible, Near Infrared, Midwave Infrared) independently and appropriate to the wavelengths of each band as part of the overall radiometric and thermal calibration process. GST will also perform the georectification to map the data to the WGS84 earth ellipsoid. We will write the software containing the equations that transform raw data records (RDR) in the form of instrument counts into geo-rectified radiances and noise equivalent delta temperatures, and brightness temperatures that will constitute the sensor data records (SDR) using the empirically derived calibration coefficients. This calibration will be both pre- and post-launch. We will create / apply algorithms to produce Environmental Data Records, specifically Theater Weather Imagery (TWI) and Tier 1 Cloud Characterization (CC) weather data products. As a start, GST will generate Cloud Top Temperature and Cloud Cover. GST will push or generate all EDRs to the AWS GovCloud. For weather data validation we will use simultaneous nadir observations for comparison of other instrument data with WeatherSat images. GST will identify schemes for on-orbit performance monitoring of the instrument based on analysis of calibration data and associated trends in the data. GST will compute the difference in observed minus the modeled (expected) data for each telescope. GST will coordinate with the instrument vendor and Mission Operations Center to develop a system for discrepancy reporting and adjudication. We will create software and processes to automate pulling of on-orbit RDRs for post-processing and pushing out of SDRs and EDRs from/to (or on) AWS GovCloud for the duration of the 1-year WeatherSat mission. GST will perform program management tasks to plan and coordinate the execution of the technical tasks as well as administrative and financial management functions.