Record carriers with conductive marks, printed circuits or semiconductor circuit elements, e.g. credit or identity cards {also with resonating or responding marks without active components} with integrated circuit chips {the record carrier comprising an arrangement for non-contact communication, e.g. wireless communication circuits on transponder cards, non-contact smart cards or RFIDs the arrangement being a circuit for communicating at a plurality of frequencies, e.g. for managing time multiplexed communication over at least two antennas of different types}
Record carriers with conductive marks, printed circuits or semiconductor circuit elements, e.g. credit or identity cards {also with resonating or responding marks without active components} with integrated circuit chips {the record carrier comprising an arrangement for non-contact communication, e.g. wireless communication circuits on transponder cards, non-contact smart cards or RFIDs the arrangement being a circuit for communicating at a plurality of frequencies, e.g. for managing time multiplexed communication over at least two antennas of different types}