2018 film by tom dey
"Failure to Launch" is a romantic comedy released on March 10, 2006. The film, directed by Tom Dey and edited by Steven Rosenblum, is part of the movie, cinematography, and film industry. It was released in the United States by Paramount Pictures.
The film's score was composed by Rolfe Kent, and it featured cinematography by Claudio Miranda. Some of the key people involved in the movie are Terry Bradshaw, Bradley Cooper, Kathy Bates, Rob Corddry, Patton Oswalt, Stephen Tobolowsky, Justin Bartha, Mageina Tovah, Katheryn Winnick, Sarah Jessica Parker, Adam Alexi-Malle, Tyrel Jackson Williams, and Zooey Deschanel.
2018 film by tom dey