SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Stem cell apoptosis occurs when the interaction between the host brain extracellular matrix (ECM) and human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) derived neural stem cell (NSCs) are directly injected into the injured brain regions. Establishment of a connection between ECM and iPSC/NSC could increase cell viability, differentiation, and promote functional recovery of the injured tissue. The critical gap technology is the development of a delivery system that would provide structural support for the endogenous tissue, prevent tissue collapse and finally provide an injected iPSC/NSC an ECM network with NO need for immunosuppressant therapies and introduction of neurotropic growth media or factors.Fabrico Technology, Dr. Charles Cox, MD, Director of Pediatric Trauma Programs, and Dr. Qi Lin Cao, Associate Professor of Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) propose to develop a directly injectable gel composed of iPSC derived NSCs and porcine brain derived ECM. The injectable ECM-iPSC transplant provides for NSC survival and engraftment as neurons and would be directly injected into peri-contusional lesions, niche and voids resulting from TBI. The B-ECM provides a structural architecture to promote and stimulate iPSC to differentiate into neural cell lineage and reform into neural networks.