SBIR/STTR Award attributes
During previous Phase II and Phase II Enhancement contracts, FreEnt built upon earlier Phase I mathematical concepts for the State Vector Density Functional (SVDF) approach. Under These efforts the SVDF approach was developed into a rigorous mathematical formalism for performing Post Intercept Assessment (PIA). During the Phase II Enhancement the SVDF mathematical formalism was matured and the technique was demonstrated using simulated IR/RF data. This Second Phase II effort is to develop and demonstrate an improved SVDF algorithm which will be optimized in terms of parameter selection for data analysis and will employ additional RF and IR features. It will also incorporate statistically normalized state vectors for improved discrimination. An SVDF software module will also be developed having seamless interfacing with post-intercept databases. This new SVDF algorithm will be augmented by employing RTI image correlations to confirm the SVDF hit-condition decision. SVDF analysis incorporating statistically normalized state vectors, RTI correlation, and additional RF/IR signal processing will provide a more robust PIA capability and improve near real-time intercept event assessment. The end state of this work will be an SVDF module suitable for integration in to a higher PIA architectural framework. Approved for Public Release | 22-MDA-11339 (13 Dec 22)