SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The ExOne Company and Northrop Grumman AOA Xinetics (AOX) have been developing Additive Manufactured Silicon Carbide optics for the past several years. Silicon Carbide (SiC) is an ideal ceramic material for optics because of its low density, high strength and stiffness, low Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE), and high thermal conductivity. Additive Manufacturing (AM) using ExOne Binder Jetting technology enables SiC to be manufactured faster, less expensively, and with less design restrictions than traditional manufacturing processes. Northrop Grumman AOX has demonstrated sintering and infiltration techniques with AM SiC preforms, as well as coating and polishing feasibility for mirrors up to 20cm in diameter. ExOne and AOX propose to build upon its established technology foundation to additively manufacture large diameter (30cm) SiC primary mirrors for HEL applications.