Ernesto Che Guevara - Latin American revolutionary, commander of the Cuban Revolution of 1959 and Cuban statesman.
Ernesto Che Guevara - Latin American revolutionary, commander of the Cuban Revolution of 1959 and Cuban statesman.
Ernesto Che Guevara
The future Comandante of the Cuban Revolution (1953-1959) was born on June 14, 1928 in Argentina. Guevara's parents were able to ensure that all five of their children received higher education. In particular, Ernesto received a medical degree, graduating from the medical faculty of the University of Buenos Aires in 1953, and dreamed of devoting his life to treating leprosy patients. The political views of the future revolutionary were formed from childhood, thanks to the family. His father was a supporter of the left, and during the Second World War, together with his wife, he took part in the activities of a militant organization that opposed the dictatorship of Argentine President Juan Peron.
From chess to revolution
Since childhood, Ernesto Guevara suffered from a serious illness - bronchial asthma. This disease largely determined the hobbies of the future revolutionary in his youth. Che Guevara loved to read and was very fond of chess. The love of chess served to make the young Argentine become interested in Cuba: Argentina was then visited by his idol, ex-world chess champion Cuban Jose Raul Capablanca. Later, Ernesto traveled a lot and saw the lawlessness and poverty of the ordinary population of the "backyard of the United States" - as Latin America was called at that time. He received the nickname Che because he constantly used the Argentine parasitic word "che" in his speech. During his travels, Guevara ended up in Mexico for two years, where he worked as a doctor at the Institute of Cardiology and where he met Fidel Castro, who was already preparing a revolution in Cuba. Then Ernesto decided to leave the quiet career of a doctor and devote his life to the revolutionary struggle.
Immortal symbol of the revolution
During the years of the Cuban Revolution, Guevara showed himself as a brave soldier and a talented commander. Despite a serious illness, he made grueling marches; as a doctor, he treated the wounded, he was harsh in terms, but he never humiliated his subordinates. After the victory of the Cuban Revolution, Comandante Guevara could not sit still. He believed that it was necessary to continue the revolutionary struggle in other parts of the world, while Castro and his associates believed that the state building of their homeland was necessary. The world-famous revolutionary went to the Congo in 1965, and a year later to Bolivia, where a real hunt began for Che Guevara. The US CIA took an active part in it. In 1967, the Comandante was taken prisoner. It is still unknown who gave the order for his execution, but on the night of October 9, in the village school building in the town of La Higuera, the sentence was carried out. Defeated in battle, Ernesto Che Guevara became the immortal symbol of the revolution.
On October 9, 1967, Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna, known as Che Guevara, was shot. The last words of the world famous revolutionary were: “Shoot, coward, you will kill the man!”
My defeat will not mean that it was impossible to win. Many have failed trying to reach the summit of Everestbut in the end Everest was defeated. Che Guevara
Ernesto Che Guevara - Latin American revolutionary, commander of the Cuban Revolution of 1959 and Cuban statesman.