SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Currently, USAF and other DoD entities along with Commercial aircraft utilize a wide array of large high value aluminum components throughout the weapon systems or aircraft. These parts can be very expensive and require long lead times to produce. As a good example the C-5 Yoke ($81,664) can take 3 years to procure causing logistical problems for MRO. Many of these high value aluminum parts are condemned for corrosion or wear. Currently these parts have no viable repair for these areas, new technologies like cold spray can fill corrosion pits or gouges but are not structural repairs. Development of a Friction Stir Additive Manufacturing Repair (FSAMR) process would enable the USAF to repair these high value parts in weeks rather than waiting years for replacement parts. Friction Stir Additive Manufacturing (FSAM) has demonstrated the ability to produce forging equivalent material properties in aluminum alloys that will be leveraged to produce the FSAMR process. Development of a fully vetted and qualified FSAMR process with full B-Basis properties and associated NDI inspection process to evaluate FSAMR parts eliminates the significant current logistical costs for part replacement in supporting the aging USAF fleet. In addition to the repair development FSAM will also provide an invaluable tool for development of small run high strength aluminum forged parts for the USAF and other DOD applications across Army ground and Commercial equipment needs.