SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Echo Ridge proposes to exploit advanced digital waveform generation technology for Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) satellite transmitters in order to enable new/improved capabilities in advanced signals, information protection, and ephemeris generation and dissemination. We will perform analysis/modeling/simulation of candidate PNT delivery architectures with emphasis on the following areas: 1) advanced waveforms and waveform strategies that are enabled by software defined radios (SDRs), 2) generation and distribution of ephemeris including extensions beyond traditional GPS/MEO platforms in the context of candidate PNT delivery architectures, 3) cyber protection of ephemeris and other potentially sensitive data, including using commercial encryption methods. Promising results will be packaged for integrating and commercializing into Phase II-based demonstrations, including those to be conducted in association with the Innovative PNT Phase II effort and NTS-3 technology demonstrations and experiments.