SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Echo Ridge proposes to conduct a feasibility study towards providing a comprehensive tactical-edge electromagnetic environment (EME) situational awareness (SA) capability. The capability would provide Position/Navigation/Timing (PNT) and blue comms “weather�, red/gray activity, blue/red/gray proximity, alt nav, etc. in a military-suitable form factor for size, weight & power (SWaP)-constrained platforms. Such a capability can now be seamlessly provided at commercial cost & with commercial technology pace. The constituent technologies currently exist as independent capabilities in various forms of development and maturity. Examples of these in-development technology components are Echo Ridge’s ER310 handheld tactical SDR, and ATAK-driven user interfaces. Through this SBIR effort, we propose to mature and tightly integrate these components into a highly capable, networked EME SA capability.