SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Echo Ridge proposes to improve our existing RF environment emulator product (DYnamic Spectrum Environment emulator (DYSE)) to provide radio sniffer and baseband signal analysis, playback and visualization capability. DYSE models the wireless channel including path loss, latency, Doppler, fading and multi-ray multipath. DYSE implements a virtual RF environment through FPGA-based digital channel emulation where either physical RF devices at RF or virtual RF devices through baseband samples can interact through high fidelity path models. This effort will add new functionality which allows a digital baseband probe to capture and store samples at any point in the path matrix. These samples are then available for post processing using graphical analysis tools along with currently available instrumentation data collected either in the Virtual RF environment or in the Systems Under Test (SUT). The existing architecture, which allows physical as well as virtual (software-modeled) devices to interface to the virtual RF environment, makes the addition of the sniffer probe functionality straightforward.