A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to Echo Ridge, LLC in May, 2018 for $799,969.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Air Force.
Echo Ridge proposes to deliver quantity three first-generation augmented positioning system (APS) devices to AFRL at the end of the 12-month sequential Phase II effort.The units will be capable of producing accurate PNT estimates in GPS-denied environments in a stand-alone operational mode.The units will include improvements to both the PNT estimation methods and the hardware platform developed and prototyped as part of the prior Phase II contract.The effort will also include laboratory testing, field testing, and demonstrations.PNT estimates will be passed to directly-connected or remote Android-based user equipment (UE) that will be displayed on the ATAK mapping application, along with a position uncertainty error ellipse.APS employs an SDR architecture which allows it to use a broad variety of terrestrial and space based SoOP sources in a low weight/power package.The lightweight APS module is easily worn by dismounted military forces; can operate on batteries for extended periods of time; can operate in daylight or darkness, in inclement weather, and in environments with little or no infrastructure, such as remote deserts and forests.