SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Echo Ridge proposes to demonstrate the utility of non-GNSS satellite-based broadcasts as additional RF sources to provide PNT in GPS-unavailable environments. The capability will be used in conjunction with two on-going Air Force-sponsored efforts; one addressing a dismount need where LEO satellite broadcasts are currently being used to provide PNT in a commercial handheld UE devices, and a second directed at developing and prototyping portions of a GPS-complementary PNT system architecture which incorporates dynamic spectrum access (DSA), LPI/LPD (low probability of intercept/low probability of detection) broadcast signal sources, and a complete space-control -user segment architecture. The Phase II tasks will will develop and demonstrate the capability in laboratory and field environments, leveraging work from the two cited Air Force on-going efforts. Four transition opportunities will be pursued, spanning a short-term opportunity to add robustness and trust to the handheld device to be delivered on an awarded contract, to a mid-term USN weapons systems opportunity, to longer term opportunities to participate in NTS-3 experiments.