Academic Paper attributes
The first activities of the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc, LSC) started in the mid-eighties in a railway tunnel located under the Spanish Pyrenees; since then, it has become an international multidisciplinary facility equipped with different services for underground science. The research activity at LSC is about Astroparticle Physics, dark matter searches and neutrino Physics; but also activities in Nuclear Astrophysics, Geophysics, and Biology are carried out. The investigation of the neutrinoless double beta decay has been one of the main research lines of LSC since the beginning. Many unknowns remain in the characterization of the basic neutrino properties and the study of this rare decay process requiring Physics beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics can shed light on the lepton number conservation, the nature of the neutrinos as Dirac or Majorana particles and the absolute scale and ordering of the masses of the three generations. Here, the double beta decay searches performed at LSC for different emitters and following very different experimental approaches will be reviewed: from the very first experiments in the laboratory including the successful IGEX for 76Ge, which released very stringent limits to the effective neutrino mass at the time, to the present NEXT experiment for 136Xe and future project CROSS (Cryogenic Rare-event Observatory with Surface Sensitivity) for 130Te and 100Mo, both implementing innovative detector technologies to discriminate backgrounds. For the neutrinoless double beta decay channel and at 90% C.L., IGEX derived a limit to the half-life of 76Ge of T1/20nu > 1.57 times 1025 y while the corresponding expected limits are T1/20nu > 1.0times 1026 y for 136Xe from NEXT-100 (for an exposure of 500 kg.y) and T1/20nu > 2.8 times 1025 y for 100Mo from CROSS (for 5 y and 4.7 kg of isotope). Activities related to double beta decays searches carried out in other underground laboratories have also been developed at LSC and will be presented too, like the operation of the BiPo-3 detector for radiopurity measurements of thin sheets with very high sensitivity. For each one of these experiments, the concept, the experimental set-ups and relevant results will be discussed.