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Father is a meteorologist, mother is a journalist Tatyana Shubina.
Candidate of Philology; at 22 he became the youngest member of the Writers' Union. Wrote such fabulous and fantastic stories for children as: “Dragon Pyhalka”, “Adventures of Housekeeping”, “Kuklavanya and Co.”, “In the Claws of the Stone Age”, “Ghostbusters”, “City of Dinosaurs”, “Heart of a Pirate” , "The Secret of the Star Wanderer" and others.
The most widely known were his books about the magical girl Tanya Grotter. At first, the work of the Dmitri Yemets book about the magical girl Tanya Grotter was inspired by the motives of the works of JK Rowling, but later (from the third book) the series of books about Tanya Grotter grew into a completely independent cycle.
The formal continuation of "Tanya Grotter" was "Mefodiy Buslaev", although in reality the plots of the series were practically unrelated to each other. The new series came out quite large-scale and was very fond of readers. The final - the nineteenth - part of the series was released on June 16, 2016. In parallel with the work on "Mefodiy Buslaev", in the spring of 2010 the author presented the readers with the first book of a new, completely original series "School of Divers" for an older circle of readers. In 2015, he turned to realism and launched a new series for readers of all ages - "My Big Family", a colorful story about the life of a large family.
Dmitry Yemets also created a series of historical portraits of Russian princes called “Protectors of the Russian Land”, which included stories about St. Vladimir, Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Nevsky, Vladimir Monomakh, Yaroslav the Wise, Andrey Bogolyubsky, published for the Sretensky Monastery.
The writer is married and has seven children. Orthodox Christian by religion.