SBIR/STTR Award attributes
TECHNICAL ABSTRACT: The application of acoustic sensing in small, affordable, satellite connected ocean devices has broad potential. This proposal focuses at first on the specific topic requirement, designing a popup satellite tag (PSAT) incorporating an acoustic receiver to identify and report the timing and location of fish spawning based on signal presence/absence detection for a tiny pinger which is expelled from the ovary. Yet, accelerated by Desert Star's modular approach and extensive database supporting efficient product design, the result of this effort will not be just a specialty spawning tag, but a family of acoustic enabled satellite tags for a broad range of purposes such as the detection, identification and reporting of marine mammals far from shore. The effort yields delivery in phase-1 of a number of acoustic detector 'payload sections' which connects to our SeaTag-MOD modular PSAT to form a first functional spawning detector satellite tag. Early results from tests with these prototypes will inform phase-2, where a miniaturized non-modular spawning detector tag and capabilities beyond spawning detection areimplemented and tested. Spawning sites may change over time, thus likely requiring\ repeated tagging and large tagging sample sizes. Benefiting from the economics of modular design and production, this work will produce acoustic enabled PSAT tags at moderate price points compatible with large scale studies.SUMMARY OF ANTICIPATED RESULTS: This project will result in a line of 'acoustically enabled' satellite tags serving various purposes. Beyond practical spawning detector tags, this will include a micro digital acoustic recorder capability with acoustic signature transmission via satellite. These affordable devices will advance acoustic monitoring in remote regions, while allowing a much greater sampling density for acoustic work than was previously practica