SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Phase-1 demonstrated the powerful and unusual remote sensing opportunities available by adding acoustic signal detection to pop-up satellite tags (PSAT). The time and location of spawning define the starting point in the life history of fish. Yet this event, which is of critical importance to fishery researchers and managers seeking to gain an understanding of distinct reproductive populations and the eventual development fish biomass, remains poorly understood including for many important commercial species. Our phase-1 work focused on spawning detection by observing the loss-of-signal of a tiny acoustic pinger injected in the ovary of a fish and subsequently ejected with the spawn. We manufactured and validated a prototype detector. Building on this foundation, we will refine and enhance this detector and then miniaturize the concept, making spawning studies practical for smaller and faster species. Underwater acoustic remote sensing and reporting is a concept with broad applicability. The development and test of a ‘software defined acoustic receiver’ for PSAT will conclude this project, and provide a first family of acoustic detecting PSAT suitable for interests including the study of spawning, predation and social interaction among marine animals, the passive acoustic detection of whale presence via their vocalizations and more.