SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The goal of this SBIR Phase I project is to develop and validate the ability of novel polymeric materials to detect, sequester, and degrade explosives, most notably RDX and PETN, from contaminated environments, especially impacted water and soil. RDX has spread to soil and waterways in locations where it is manufactured and munitions are used, including adjacent to more than sixty military installations in the United States. RDX and PETN have low vapor pressure, and our collaborators have previously developed polymers capable of detecting these compounds in trace quantities. Separately, CycloPure has developed porous polymers capable of sequestering organic contaminants which may be modified for selectivity using molecular design strategies. In Phase I, we will validate the ability of these materials to detect and concentrate explosive compounds in pure water and simulated groundwater. Structural modifications to the adsorbent to maximize its affinity for RDX will be explored. Multifunctional materials capable of detection and sequestration are proposed by polymerizing one material in the presence of another, which will provide further amplification of RDX detection. In Phase II, successful polymer/conjugated polymer hybrids will be modified to include explosives degradation processes to target materials capable of continuous detection and safe removal.