SBIR/STTR Award attributes
High-energy physics, modern medicine and advanced materials research are continually demanding higher magnetic fields. In spite of the discovery of High Temperature Superconductors decades ago and the potential they have for high field use, until recently successful magnets using the technology have remained elusive. Great progress has been made recently in HTS wire performance and this has drawn new attention to the technical challenges of making very high field magnets using the wire. In this program Cryomagnetics will partner with the U.S. National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (MagLab) to investigate, develop and commercialize very high field, compact, hybrid- superconducting magnets using Rare-earth Barium Copper Oxide (ReBCO) superconducting wire. Cryomagnetics is a leading supplier of high field superconducting magnets worldwide for physics, medical and materials research applications. The technology developed in this program will be used in advanced research magnet systems, accelerators and medical treatment devices.