SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Corvid Technologies is pleased to submit this Phase II proposal for the design of Lightweight Fins for Enhanced Maneuverability of a High-Speed Interceptor. In Phase I, Corvid partnered with Lockheed Martin Space (LM Space) to design a tailfin for a conceptual enhanced THAAD interceptor. To achieve a flight-worthy design, Corvid developed a fast-running optimization routine which assessed the ability of hundreds of different tailfin designs to trim at the most stressing aerodynamic condition that was provided. The optimizer used the geometric constraints of the system, such as maximum allowable tailfin height due to canister storage, as the input bounds and was coupled with Missile DATCOM, a first-order engineering tool which determined if the design could produce a stable result at the stressing flight condition. The optimization tool converged on a final design, which was then analyzed using Corvid’s in-house Navier-Stokes flow solver RavenCFD. The Raven results produced pressure and temperature profiles on the surface of the tailfin design. A custom interpolation routine was developed to transform the CFD results to a static Finite Element (FE) solver so that structural analysis of the tailfin could be performed. A final tailfin design, complete with internal geometry, was produced at the completion of Phase I which was verified through CFD and FE analysis. In Phase II, Corvid will leverage the technology developed in Phase I and add full-flight optimization capability to the toolset. To achieve this, Corvid will again team with LM Space who will provide a realistic trajectory of the conceptual interceptor based on the CFD results from Phase I. The optimization toolset developed in Phase I will then be enhanced to consider multiple points along the trajectory, rather than designing a tailfin based on the most stressing condition. The updated design will then be subject to aerodynamic analysis using CFD, structural analysis using the Finite Element Method (FEM), and thermal analysis using high-fidelity heat transfer solvers. Corvid will also design the interior components of the tailfin, including a deployment mechanism which will successfully stow, deploy, and lock the tailfin through canister eject. The deployment mechanism will be designed, assembled, and tested in Phase II. At the completion of Phase II, a fully-optimized tailfin design complete with a tested deployment mechanism will be produced and ready for prototyping. Approved for Public Release | 20-MDA-10643 (3 Dec 20)