SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Members of the Joint Forces require a medial countermeasure against ionizing radiation induced injuries, including acute radiation syndrome (ARS), that can be administered before exposure and the onset of symptoms. To address this critical need, ChromoLogic LLC in collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh, has developed a JP4-039-MLV radioprotective drug, comprised of two key elements: 1) the radioprotective nitroxide, JP4-039, that targets the mitochondria and scavenges free radicals and electrons escaping from the electron transfer chain, thereby lowering radiation-induced tissue damage; and, 2) a multilamellar vesicle (MLV) drug delivery platform capable of encapsulating high concentrations of the hydrophobic radioprotector and enabling sustained release of the drug to provide long-term protection while reducing the frequency of administration. The JP4-039 drug has been shown to improve survival in vivo when administered both before and after exposure to x-ray, proton, and neutron irradiation. The MLV nanoparticles are monodisperse, surface-functionalized in order to evade clearance, and readily produced in large scale. The particles are stable in lyophilized form, allowing long-term storage of the drug under harsh environmental conditions.