SBIR/STTR Award attributes
In order to meet the Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) need to support the ongoing Department of Defense (DOD) challenge to ensure the authenticity and security of microelectronics parts within its supply chain, ChromoLogic LLC (CLL) proposed, developed and demonstrated a Phase I RAPSTEC system. RAPSTEC is based on a machine vision system designed to capture the surface features of a microelectronic component and use machine learning algorithms to determine if the component is suspect or not. The technology is based on our proven products currently being used within the DOD supply chain to protect it from counterfeit components. During Phase I, we leveraged our current relationships and customers in the industry and, using new and installed hardware collected additional data on microelectronic components. Using this data and our already vast data sets, we developed machine learning based algorithms to determine if a component is counterfeit or not within 20 seconds (TRL 4). This system was demonstrated at the site of our collaborators. During Phase II, we will incorporate additional automation features and work with DMEA to test and validate the system as well as deploy pilot units within the DOD supply chain (TRL 7).