A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to Charles River Analytics in July, 2019 for $1,499,964.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Air Force.
Systems engineering (SE) for system of systems (SoS) engineering requires wholly new tools to support conducting SoS analyses, developing SoS architectures, and planning and implementing SoS updates. DARPA’s Strategic Technology Office’s (STO) System of Systems Integration Technology and Experimentation (SoSITE) program is developing a number of new technologies to enable rapid composition of existing and emerging systems to meet changing mission needs. By developing a Compositional Logic and Behavior Environment for Responsive Testing of System of Systems (COLBERT-SoS), we will extend our intuitive, open-source, SoS graphical user interface (GUI) with additional modeling and simulation prototyping capabilities to rapidly virtually test new SoS configurations before live fly integration. The SoSITE GUI allows engineers—from experienced integrators to operators with mission knowledge but no previous system development experience—to visually design complex SoSs. The COLBERT-SoS additions to the GUI will extend SoSITE’s revolutionary SoS Technology Integration Tool Chain for Heterogeneous Electronic Systems (STITCHES), developed by Apogee Research, to greatly simplify the development, planning, and implementation of new technologies before SoS deployment. COLBERT-SoS will enable more advanced SoS integration and prototyping with current and emerging Warfighter systems while supporting new collaboration opportunities between DARPA and AFRL/RHA.