SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Carbonics, Inc. is the only small business entity that is razor-focused on developing and commercializing wafers-scale carbon nanotube (CNT) based RF products for mmWave communications that can outperform incumbent semiconductor high frequency technologies (GaAs & RF-CMOS). Our STTR Phase I accomplishments exceeded all expectations, setting a new world record for CNT FET RF technology (fT > 100 GHz). Our proposed solution and approach in Phase II is to build upon our Phase 1 momentum as shown from the Figure 1 and continue to develop the technology by (a) continue developing our wafer-scale CNT ZEBRA alignment improvements (Task 1) (b) continue CNT device T-gate improvements (Task 2), (c) develop & test a MMIC all integrated 2-stage amplifier (Task 3 & 4) (d) continue an active benchmark effort (Task 5) to assist in first product insertion towards Phase III with our strategic DOD prime contractor.