The Capitol Token or CPTL, is the primary token of the TheHunger.Games DeFi Gaming Platform.
The best exchange for trading Capitol is currently . You can find other exchanges on our .
The Capitol Token or CPTL, is the primary token of the TheHunger.Games DeFi Gaming Platform. Capitol will be held by users of all 13 of the TheHunger.Games platforms districts. Each district will provide a unique resource or experience to each Capitol holder, and allows for a tailored DeFi experience, that will allow you to make the most of all of your Cyrpto Gaming assets. May the Odds be ever in your favor...
The Capitol Token or CPTL, is the primary token of the TheHunger.Games DeFi Gaming Platform.
The Capitol Token or CPTL, is the primary token of the TheHunger.Games DeFi Gaming Platform.