SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Phase II will begin by defining a system architecture for an AAM-CIP assessment tool capable of (1) data fusion, (2) airspace adaptation data creation, (3) scenario generation, (4) AAM traffic simulation, (5) metric computation, (6) data visualization, and additional capabilities needed for a successful commercial product. Crown will develop and demonstrate an instantiation of the basic architecture for a use case that addresses the main interests of a representative user developing recommendations for vertiport locations and airspace routes considering travel demand, safety, and noise. The top-level system architecture establishes a data flow from user objectives and requirements to a graphical user interface (GUI) that enables the user to assess the impacts of relevant issues and rapidly explore the trade space of alternatives.The Phase II prototype will include a fully working version of the Airspace Analysis tool developed in Phase I, including a graphical layer for editing vertiport placement, generating routes, and defining AAM airspace. The system architecture will feature a flexible modular capability for product improvements to enhance the capabilities demonstrated in the Phase II prototype. Potential improvements include integration of analytics software; addressing additional community issues such as infrastructure, equity of benefits, and connectivity with other transportation modes; software automation to automatically generate and analyze ranges of inputs and alternatives to map the AAM system trade space or rank alternatives with respect to specified optimization criteria and constraints; integrated exchange of data between models to enable assessment of dependencies across issues; and simulations and displays to present a dynamic real-time or fast-time picture of an AAM operation and its impacts on the population below.