SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The proposed research is the follow up activity for our 2019 80NSSC19C0390 SBIR award. We performed an analytical work that helped us to properly select a way to parallel our existingnbsp;2250W Discharge modules developed for CPE HiVHAc PPU contract. The analysisnbsp;that was done in 80NSSC19C0390 SBIR convinced us that our existing modules can operatenbsp;in parallel, controlled from the master module. Analysisnbsp;shows that any discharge module in the system can be configured as a master or as a slave to allow redundancy.nbsp; Any module that operates as a slave can be dynamically turned ON or OFF to optimize system efficiency. The analytical package for CPE HiVHAc PPU 2250W Discharge module andnbsp;the electrical test data for the module are readily available now. The module is implemented using flight grade components. NASA GRC is going to perform its Thermal/Vac test of that modulenbsp;(4500W HiVHAc PPU) in 2021. Above statements convince us that CPE 2250W Discharge module could be used as a very good building block for any Hall Thruster PPU that requires Anodenbsp;power output scalable from 4.5KW (2 modules, refer front page of the proposal) to at least 13KW (6 modules) . The proposed solution provides continuously regulated output in the voltagenbsp;range between 200V and 700V (13KW power range is 300V to 700V) in the wide input voltage range of 95V to 140V or 150V. We would like to test a full scale Anode supply solution in Phase I of this SBIRnbsp;and make 13KW Brass Board available to NASA GRC for integration test with high power thrusters. The biggest benefit of this solution that we are going to use is our HiVHAc PPU 2250W discharge modulesnbsp;ASIS. This may help to reduce analytical work for the future high power applications. Design work as well could be reused.