Clinical Study attributes
This is an investigator-initiated study to measure the impact of an educational intervention on the basic palliative approach for a multidisciplinary staff team at an outpatient HIV clinic. The study aims to: 1) refine a curriculum for non-palliative care clinicians caring for persons living with HIV disease early in the disease trajectory; 2) assess the impact of the palliative approach educational intervention on outcomes for 2 target populations: a) patients (mental health, quality of life, health-related quality of life and secondarily, retention in care and viral suppression) and b) staff (burn-out and caregiving stress). It is hypothesized that training outpatient HIV staff in palliative care competencies will improve care provided that might, in turn, improve clinical outcomes for HIV patients receiving care at that clinic. Quantitative data will be augmented by qualitative interviews of selected staff and patients at both clinics in the final year of the study to appreciate response to the intervention.