A SBIR Phase I contract was awarded to C-Crete Technologies Llc in March, 2021 for $256,580.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Energy and ARPA-E.
This project integrates a collection of advanced surface chemistry, colloidal engineering and high-throughput characterization followed by standard testing and pilot demonstration to manufacture insulating nanofluids (NF) for large power transformer (LPT) oil, with a projected lifetime of >80 years. The key cause of transformer failure is overheating, which becomes more likely over time due to breakdown of mineral oil, an important heat dissipation and insulating component. We have developed a facile and economical methodology to successfully exfoliate and functionalize commercially available nanomaterials as a compatible solution for large power transformers. C-Crete’s experience in projects with similar complexity, along with our state-ofthe- art equipment, facilities and resources, will catalyze successful development and commercialization of the proposed project.