SBIR/STTR Award attributes
This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project seeks to develop a Neuromorphic Read-Out Integrated Circuit (Neu-ROIC) that will have in-pixel neuromorphic processing and image capturing capabilities. These enable object detection and recognition on-board, allowing less data to transmit to remote or ground station from space. The proposed Neu-ROIC will have substantially high well capacity for high dynamic range and also in-pixel digital conversion capability, high sensitivity for low detector current, integration times from hundreds of microseconds to tens of millisecond, and high temperature operation possibly enabling to replace cryogenic cooling by thermo-electric cooler, and support for both advanced mid-wave infrared (MWIR) and long wave infrared (LWIR) Image Sensors for NASA applications. During Phase I, the Neu-ROIC architecture will be identified, and its configuration will be simulated and designed and demonstrated. The work done in Phase I through simulations, design and demonstration will be extended for full-developed of test chip and its fabrication in Phase II during which the Neu-ROIC will be demonstrated with an IR sensor.