SBIR/STTR Award attributes
TECHNICAL ABSTRACT: Accurate knowledge of water levels is crucial for day-to-day operations and planning of many US coastal activities. This information is used for the safe navigation of thousands of vessels on a daily basis, including passage of large vessels and cargos under and around coastal and river infrastructures. The NOAA Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (COOPS) manages a combination network of 210 long-term (permanent) and 100 short-term (mobile; relocatable) water level observation stations comprising the National Water Level Observation Network (NWLON). The existing NWLON sensors and measurement systems have been in operation for 15+ years; well past their intended operational lifetimes and out of date with today’s technologies. NOAA is now seeking the development of the nextgeneration NWLO system (NWLOS) design to perform real-time measurement, processing, and storage of collected instrument data from deployed locations. ASTRA proposes to develop this next generation NWLOS design (Phase I), fabricate a prototype system (Phase II), and demonstrate the system in a relevant environment (Phase II). This next generation NWLOS would be capable of integration into existing NWLON stations to support the integration and implementation of multiple NOAA sensor packages.SUMMARY OF ANTICIPATED RESULTS: The proposed Phase I effort will result in the development of a preliminary design of the National Water Level Observation System (NWLOS) that meets the requirements of the solicitation, including in-depth analysis and trade studies of performance. Additionally, we will develop an economical and technically viable manufacturable solution for the NWLOS to progress into Phase II. The Phase I effort will result in a PDR presentation of the proposed solution, with recommendations and plans for the Phase II. The Phase II effort will result in the fabrication, validation, and demonstration of a prototype system deployed in a relative environment.