SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The U.S. Army identified a need that the U.S. and our international allies need an improved method of creating, exchanging and verifying biometric credentials to improve sharing while preventing accidental and malicious access to biometric data. This new method needs to operate in an international widely distributed system with federated authorities for trusted signatures. The system needs to be able to authenticate users from other countries and systems within the federated network without storing any biometric data that can be reverse engineered to recreate the original raw biometric data or used to falsify a biometric authentication from the user. ATCorp proposes SSUBIA, a Secure Serverless Multi-Factor Biometric Authentication system. SSUBIA will allow users to enroll at different Certificate Authorities throughout our trusted international partner countries, then authenticate anywhere in the SSUBIA enabled network. During enrollment the Certificate Authority reads and measures multiple biometrics of a user then calculates secret values from these measurements creating a unique SUCIA Credential. This credential is secure and can be shared between backend servers or carried with the user on a USB drive or encoded within a new CAC (common access Card).