SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Architecture Technology Corporation (ATCorp) will develop a failover cloud solution for use by mobile devices when they are unable to reach a core cloud such as AWS. Such a failover cloud can serve as an on-premises cloud for mobile applications when network connectivity to the core cloud is poor or non-existent. The proposed failover cloud will automatically synchronize application state with the core cloud, when connectivity is available. The switch from core cloud to the failover cloud and vice-versa will be transparent to the user. The project will also design a solution for secure, remote access to SIPRNet. The solution will be designed for ready NSA approval. Both the failover cloud solution and the remote SIPRNet access solution will build on technologies embedded in the ATCorp CRR-1000 (MACHETE) family of routers and the ATCorp VPN Gateway on the NSA CSfC Component List.