Ambassador Magma, also known as マグマ大使 or Maguma Taishi, is a Tokusatsu manga and anime series created by Osamu Tezuka. The series was first launched in May 1965 and ran until August 1967. It is set within the anime, manga, and shōnen manga industries and belongs to the mecha genre. The series was published by Shōnen Gahōsha in Japan and is also known as The Space Giants.
Ambassador Magma has faced competition from a number of other creative works, including King of Thorn, Gate 7, Otome Yōkai Zakuro, Silver Spoon (manga), Children of the Whales, Billy Bat, Master Keaton, and RG Veda. Additionally, it has competed with more recent works like Kobato, Love in Hell, Simon Sues, Dusk Maiden of Amnesia, Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn, Plunderer, Karneval (manga), The Ultimates 2, and Tokyo Babylon. The series is an instance of a creative work, which is also related to the financial technology industry.