SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The efforts will leverage advanced multi-scale material modeling, multi-physics additive manufacturing (AM) simulation technologies to suggest optimized AM process and build parameters before printing in an attempt to deliver quality Direct Metal Laser Sinteringparts.Components/materials fabricated will meet MDA/Raytheon specifications. The qualification of each component will be shown by DOE, and through Building-Block-Testing, and verified with service load simulation models that could aid in test/cost reduction in full test plan.This effort will increase the TRL (Technology Readiness Level) for AM of Missile Parts by producing good quality AM parts with fewer prints and will demonstrate this on three (3) missile components (camera mount ring, canard, and electronics enclosure) made of representative materials.The objective is to use benefits of 3D-Printing and simulation technologies to reduce cost, shorten delivery times, and assist in determining qualification and certification procedure for AM materials and parts. The ICMSE toolset will simulate AM of component parts, while predicting thermal response, deflection, residual stress, damage initiation/crack propagation, material properties and post-fabrication performance for qualification (static/PSD).Relationship between process parameters (laser power, laser beam diameter, scanning speed, hatch space, absorption rate, etc.) will be determined in order to optimize the additive process before printing.Approved for Public Release | 18-MDA-9522 (23 Feb 18)