one of the types of aircraft. ammunition dropped from an airplane or others. letat. apparatus for the destruction of ground, sea. and vozd. A. B. special constructions are used for setting smoke screens, lighting the terrain and performing other tasks. tasks.
It consists of a body, equipment, suspension lugs, stabilizer and ballistic ring. The stabilizer and the ballistic ring ensure a steady flight of the bomb in the air after dropping. Bombs designed to be dropped from low altitudes have braking devices (parachutes, etc.), which reduce the speed of the bombs, so that they lag behind the bomber by the distance necessary for its safety. When preparing the A. B. for combat use, one or several are installed in them. fuses, which activate the equipment - explosive charge or pyrotechnic. composition (incendiary, lighting, etc.). Shock fuses cause the action of A. O. at the moment of impact into an obstacle or after a certain time - from a fraction of a second to several. hours and even days. Distance. fuses activate bombs in the air after a certain time after dropping, and non-contact ones - at a given height from the ground. The characteristics of A. B. types are given below.
High-explosive bombs are the most common type of bombs; they hit objects with the explosive effect of an explosion and are used to destroy military buildings.- prom. structures, warehouses, airfields, bridges, railway junctions and other targets, their weight from 50 kg to 10 tons. High-explosive A. B. with a thick-walled body in the US Army naz. semi-armor-piercing bombs.
Fragmentation A. B. have a massive body, from which a large number of fragments are formed during an explosion; they are used to destroy fragments of manpower, artillery, vehicles, aircraft at airfields and other targets, their mass is from 1 to 100 kg. In the Vietnam War, US aviation used small ball-shaped fragmentation bombs with ready-made fragments in the form of steel balls scattered by an explosion. Special bundles and cassettes of single and multiple use are used for dropping small fragmentation and other types of A. B. High-explosive fragmentation A. B. they serve to defeat various targets with shrapnel and high-explosive action.
Armor-piercing A. B. are designed to defeat armored ships and targets with strong concrete and reinforced concrete protection. Their striking effect consists of a penetrating action and a subsequent explosion inside the object. To increase the penetration effect, armor-piercing bombs can have a jet engine, which increases their speed when hitting an obstacle.
Anti-tank A. B. are designed to defeat tanks and other ground armored vehicles. The bursting charge has a cumulative notch with a metal. facing, from which a cumulative jet is formed during an explosion (see artillery shells), piercing armor and igniting fuel vapor. For the first time, antitank. a. b. were used by sov. aviation during the Great Patriotic War, the war in the Battle of Kursk in 1943. These bombs are dropped from airplanes in single-use cassettes. With a mass of 2.5- 5 kg, armor is pierced up to 100-200 mm.
Anti-submarine A. B. are used to defeat submarines. Small bombs designed to directly hit the boat are used, and large-caliber bombs capable of hitting the boat when exploding in the water.
Incendiary A. B. are used to create fires and defeat the fire of manpower and equipment on the battlefield and in places of congestion. Their mass is from 1 to 500 kg. They are equipped with solid pyrotechnics. compositions and organic. combustible substances (gasoline, kerosene, etc.), thickened with special compounds. Napalm is widely used as a thickener in the incendiaries manufactured in the USA. With napalm bombs, the US aviation bombarded civilians in the wars in Korea and Vietnam. High-explosive igniter. A. B. are used to defeat fire and high-explosive action of the prom. structures, oil storage facilities, mountain-type structures, etc.
Chemical A. B. are equipped with chemical warfare agents.
A. B. auxiliary purposes are used for setting up smoke screens in order to mask the actions of their troops or to blind the enemy; for spreading propaganda. lit-ry; for illumination of the terrain during bombing at night and aerial photography, designating the flight routes of aircraft, the place of ejection of air. landings , etc .
At the end of the 2nd World War, controlled A. B. and atomic bombs were used for the first time. Guided bombs have wings, steering bodies and remote control and homing systems. A remote-controlled bomb can be aimed at any target if it is observed using an optical or radar sight. Homing A. B. are used only for targets with a distinctive contrast (radar, thermal, etc.).