A STTR Phase II contract was awarded to Advanced Systems & Technologies Inc in February, 2021 for $1,099,936.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Army.
Robotic systems in general, and Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAVs) in particular, pose a threat for both military and civilians when in the wrong hands. The triad of Kinetic, High-Power Microwave and Laser weapon systems currently used or considered for Counter-UAV (C-UAV) operation though effective in disrupting their performance, might be hazardous when used in a populated area. In the Phase I program AS&T proposed an alternative technology with its C-UAV denial enactment based on the use of the laser-induced broadband RF radiation. In Phase I, AS&T performed the feasibility study of its proposed C-UAV concept and established the LAPLAS concept of operation and specification. The feasibility study included modeling, simulation and laboratory validation of the LAPLAS breadboard. Practical implementation and experimental evaluation of a fully assembled system will be performed in Phase II. The Phase II activities comprise of design, integration and testing of the LAPLAS prototype. The program will culminate with lab testing of the LAPLAS prototype, and conclude with field-validation and demonstration of its performance in a scenario relevant to potential/prospective operational environment.