SBIR/STTR Award attributes
NASA seeks innovative tools and technologies that support and enhance the characterization of Large Aperture Mirrors (LAMs). These mirrors are used for space-based segmented large aperture telescopes as well as ground-based observatories. The need to characterize the complex dynamics of recently developed LAMs membrane mirror structures is key to their efficient design, balancing and effective operation in future systems. This proposal by Advanced Systems and Technologies directly responds to the above NASA needs providing a unique testing platform that employs an architecture supporting multiple modalities of optical metrology tailored specifically for LAMs test and evaluation. In this proposal we describe a novel optical non-contact sensor concept with its architecture based on a Reconfigurable Optoelectronic Mirror Evaluation (ROME) technology that provides local and global measurements to support full dynamic characterization of membrane mirrors.nbsp;The unparalleled measurement capabilities incorporated in the ROME system are uniquely suited to new sensor technologies sought by NASA for comprehensive LAM dynamics characterization. Already in Phase I we have demonstrated the ability of the ROME breadboard to evaluate the dynamic response of a 30 cm diameter mirror within the frequency range of to 30 Hz to 1 kHz for a normal shift value from 200 pm to 700 um in non-evacuated laboratory conditions. During the Phase II, ASamp;T will transition to design, integration and validation of a complete ROME system, targeting measurement accuracy of 10 pm within the 20 Hz to 500 Hz bandwidth. The program culminates with ROME system delivery and validation at NASA facilities.