Academic Paper attributes
Soft supramolecular materials are promising for the design of innovative and highly tunable adhesives. These materials are composed of polymer chains functionalized by strongly interacting moieties, sometimes called stickers. In order to systematically investigate the effect of the presence of associative groups on the debonding properties of a supramolecular adhesive, a series of supramolecular model systems has been characterized by probe-tack tests. These model materials, composed of linear and low dispersity poly(butylacrylate) chains functionalized in the middle by a single tri-urea sticker, are able to self-associate by six hydrogen bonds and range in molecular weight (M n) between 5 and 85 kg/mol. The linear rheology and the nanostructure of the same materials (called PnBA3U) was the object of a previous study 1,2. At room temperature, the association of polymers via hydrogen bonds induces the formation of rod-like aggregates structured into bundles for M n less 40kg/mol and the behavior of a soft elastic material was observed (GgreatergreaterG and G~omega 0). For higher M n , the filaments were randomly oriented and polymers displayed a crossover towards viscous behavior although terminal relaxation was not reached in the experimental frequency window. All these materials show however similar adhesive properties characterized by a cohesive mode of failure and low debonding energies (W adh less40J/m 2 for a debonding speed of 100mum/s). The debonding mechanisms observed during the adhesion tests have been investigated in detail with an Image tools analysis developed by our group 3. The measure of the projected area covered by cavities growing in the adhesive layer during debonding can be used to estimate the true stress in the walls of the cavities and thus, to characterize the in-situ large strain deformation of the thin layer during the adhesion test itself. This analysis revealed in particular that the PnBA3U materials with M n less 40 kg/mol soften very markedly at large deformation like yield stress fluids, explaining the low adhesion energies measured for these viscoelastic gels. 2