A SBIR Phase I contract was awarded to Advalue Photonics in August, 2020 for $124,618.0 USD from the NASA.
Based on our proprietary award-winning fiber laser technology, AdValue Photonics proposes an enabling fiber amplifier technology for the proposed NASArsquo;s next-generation topographic LiDAR mapping applications. This technology can easily be extended from the near-infrared spectral region to the visible green region via nonlinear frequency doubling, benefitting future hydrographic LiDAR mapping applications. In the Phase I program, we will focus on the feasibility investigation of a high-peak-power fiber amplifier that can potentially meet all the specification requirements of NASArsquo;s interest. In the Phase II program, we will experimentally demonstrate this enabling technology by developing a compact deliverable prototype amplifier unit at the end of the Phase II program. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;