Clinical Study attributes
This study will utilize a randomized control trial design, with participants randomly assigned to a theoretically-based culturally tailored intervention or standard of care group. Baseline (Week 0), 12-week, and 3-month follow-up (Week 24). Body composition and adherence will be tracked throughout the study. The exercise intervention will include a total body resistance training protocol and will take place at local fitness center. Participants will be randomized to either the theoretical-based culturally tailored intervention group or the standard exercise group in which each will be facilitated and supervised by a Black-trained research personnel following culturally tailored recommendations. All participants will attend a 10-week resistance training program twice per week for a total of 20 sessions from Weeks 2-11. Week 1 will be used to familiarize the participants with the resistance training exercises. Those randomized to the culturally tailored intervention group will receive health education, weekly text messages and self-regulatory strategies to overcome barriers to exercise. Participants will return for post testing at weeks 12 and 24.