SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Avilution proposes to develop a common engine interface architecture aligned with the FACE Technical Standard, providing an abstraction to allow common engine information to be accessed from a variety of FADECs or engine controllers. The work will build on existing XFS ECU interfaces and the FACE alignment work already in progress in order to develop a common interface for FADECs implemented as FACE UoPs. This effort will start with examining the current engine interfaces, including the FADEC-like ECU interface implemented in XFS and alternative FADECs, to come up with a common set of data elements that could be used for any FADEC implementation. Next, Avilution will develop an architecture with layers of abstraction that maximize the variety of FADECs that can be interfaced, while also eliminating or minimizing the amount of additional code to interface with these FADECs. Finally, the architecture will be aligned with the FACE Technical Standard and strategies for conformant UoPs (which could be implemented in Phase II) will be developed. XFS architecture strategy implementation, data element translation, and FACE conformance verification will occur in the Phase I Option.