A STTR Phase I contract was awarded to ATTOLLO ENGINEERING, LLC in April, 2021 for $124,355.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and Missile Defense Agency.
Attollo is proposing a read-out integrated circuit (ROIC), detector, and camera that will leverage a bio-inspired approach to seeing and processing a threat detection image. Processing only change detection within the Field of View (FOV) will save in transmission and processing of the sensor data reducing latency while also improving threat detection. Attollo will hybridize our Strained Layer Superlattice (SLS) material onto the ROIC designed, design and build an integrated dewar cooler assembly (IDCA) to package the sensor, modify our existing electronics and image processing software, and pair the IDCA with an optic maximizing the threat detection capability. Approved for Public Release |21-MDA-10789 (21 Apr 21)