SBIR/STTR Award attributes
In order to support NASArsquo;s ability to land humans and support a sustainable presence on the Moon, AMSENG has prepared a Invited Sequential Phase II Proposal for the white paper (2023-1-94-W) with aim to facilitate rapid technology maturation development and assist in its insertion and to infuse key technologies to advance the objectives of the Moon to Mars campaign.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; AMSENG present a team with the capable candidates for further investment through a sequential Phase II Proposal invited for the white paper (2023-1-94-W) specifically for Technical Need Area 2023-1: Lunar Dust Mitigation Solutions. We plan to demonstrate Insertion of the developed Passive dust shedding TCMS coating Technology on to the Chosen Hardware: Engineering Design Unit (EDU), or Test Articles or Flight Hardware and Prepare the Material amp; Processing Protocols and SOPs for the Enhanced TRL for the further use. The Materials and Process Engineering Protocols and SOPs for the passive dense dust shedding Thermal Control coatings as applied to various aero-space surfaces and its validation for functioning over the full range of combined extreme lunar surface environmental conditions of UV-eʹ radiation, and Moon#39;s Charged Dusty environment on hardware witness coupons is anticipated. Our suggestions are based on the successes for the secondary emission engineering of Passive Dense Dust shedding TCMS per program: 80NSSC21C0514.