SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Our target problem is the unsustainable unstable food supply for animal protein in the face ofpandemics such as COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus). Current sources of animal proteinsuch as mammals and poultry are unsustainable and pose production and biosecurity risks. Wemust learn lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic and make appropriate changes including howour food is produced. Pandemics cause supply chain problems in animal protein. However insectfarms are easily quarantined and continue production with skeleton staff. Insects have a goodshelf-stability eliminating need for culling. There is almost no risk of viruses jumping from farmraised edible insects to humans making them safe for consumers and farm workers. Insectfarming being indoors means no exposure to environmental pathogens. With our innovationsmall to midsize farms could easily farm mealworms for non-seasonal production providingmuch needed income. Diversification of our food supply is critical for food security. The goodnews is insects ie. mealworms (Tenebrio molitor) are a sustainable solution. They use lessenergy feed land and water than other livestock contributing less to climate change andpollution. Over 30 companies in the US already offer products with crickets as a key ingredient.All Things Bugs LLC led the development of crickets as a protein source selling over 15000® pounds of Griopro cricket powder. However cost of insects is higher than beef yet beefrequires 10 to 100 times more resources. Equipment and technologies for insect farming areprimitive and manual (unchanged in 60 years) resulting in high costs. Major food manufacturersare ready to use insects as a key ingredient but cost must be on par with other proteins. Thusthere is a need for innovation in US mealworm farming to compete globally.